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2024-04-12 07:34:59

InfiCoder-Eval: Systematically Evaluating the Question-Answering Capabilities of Code Large Language Models
Linyi Li, Shijie Geng, Zhenwen Li, Yibo He, Hao Yu, Ziyue Hua, Guanghan Ning, Siwei Wang, Tao Xie, Hongxia Yang
2024-04-11 08:24:00

Gezielte Spyware bespitzelt iPhones: Apple warnt Nutzer in vielen Ländern
Die Warnhinweise schickte Apple offenbar an Nutzer in über 90 Ländern. Von dem Verweis auf "staatlich geförderte Angriffe" ist das Unternehmen abgerückt.
2024-02-12 15:30:03

About ~2 hours after Super Bowl 58 ended.
Me: Who won the most recent Superbowl, against whom?
Copilot: [1]
Me: Are you sure?
Copilot: [2]
Me: What year was that?
Copilot: [3. Note the date, esp. the year and day of the week]
[It went on like that a little longer and it did eventually give me the right answer, see 4. I wish I had its confidence though.]
PS: Done my best here to show this is not data currency issue. Appreciate y'all seeing t…

The most recent Super Bowl was won by the **Kansas City Chiefs**. They defeated the **Philadelphia Eagles** with a score of **38-35** in Super Bowl 57. This victory marked the franchise's third NFL championship.
Yes, I’m sure. The most recent Super Bowl was won by the Kansas City Chiefs. They defeated the Philadelphia Eagles with a score of 38-35 in Super Bowl 57. This victory marked the franchise’s third NFL championship1. If you need more information, feel free to ask! 😊
Super Bowl 57, where the Kansas City Chiefs defeated the Philadelphia Eagles, took place on Sunday, February 12, 2024. If you have any more questions, feel free to ask! 😊
I apologize for the confusion earlier. You’re right. The most recent Super Bowl was Super Bowl 58, not 57. Here’s the correct information:

Super Bowl 58 took place on Sunday, February 11, 2024. The game was between the Kansas City Chiefs and the San Francisco 49ers. The Kansas City Chiefs won the game in overtime with a score of 25-22. This victory marked the third Super Bowl win for the Chiefs.
2024-05-12 06:14:31

I hope people look at this and realize that licenses will not protect them; they will only ever protect capital in the long run
2024-02-12 07:21:19

29.000 ukrainische Haushalte nach Angriff ohne Strom
Nach einem nächtlichen russischen Drohnenangriff ist ukrainischen Behördenangaben zufolge die Stromversorgung in und um die Stadt Pawlohrad im Süden des Landes unterbrochen. Betroffen seien fast 29.000 Haushalte, teilte Serhij Lysak, Verwaltungschef des Gebietes Dnipropetrowsk, am Morgen auf Telegram mit. In der Nachbarstadt Terniwka seien 10.000 Haushalte ohne Wasser. Seine…
2024-03-11 15:01:16

"Populistische Führungsfiguren gibt es quer durch das politische Spektrum. Egal ob sie Hubert Aiwanger (Freie Wähler) oder Friedrich Merz (CDU), Sarah Wagenknecht (BSW) oder Alice Weidel (AfD) heißen, meist versprechen sie radikale Lösungen für komplexe Probleme.
Gezielte Tabubrüche und Provokationen gehören dabei ebenso zur populistischen Agitation wie das Schüren von Angst und Hass."
Dr. Christian Scharun

This summer’s Democratic National Convention could be hit by protests and scenes of chaos that undermine Joe Biden's reelection campaign.
Already, 65-plus organizations in Chicago and elsewhere have formed a coalition to “March on the DNC” when it opens there on Aug. 19.
Activists have sued in federal court, alleging First Amendment violations because the city has only offered permits for demonstrations miles from the United Center, where Biden is scheduled to accept the Dem…
2024-05-12 06:14:31

I hope people look at this and realize that licenses will not protect them; they will only ever protect capital in the long run
2024-03-12 16:22:41

Merz: "Taurus"-Lieferung ist auch im deutschen Interesse
Die Lieferung von "Taurus"-Marschflugkörpern an die Ukraine wäre nach Darstellung des CDU-Vorsitzenden Friedrich Merz auch im deutschen Interesse. "In der Ukraine wird auch unsere politische Ordnung, wird auch die politische Ordnung Europas verteidigt, es wird unsere Freiheit verteidigt", sagte Merz. Die Union wolle mit ihrem Antrag im Bundestag zur Lieferung des Waffens…
2024-04-12 07:35:00

On Unified Prompt Tuning for Request Quality Assurance in Public Code Review
Xinyu Chen, Lin Li, Rui Zhang, Peng Liang